True Cause of Clutter

I know the exact moment when I realized that free shipping and fast delivery may not be all it’s cracked up to be. I had just attended a wedding and during the reception, I fell in love with one of the table decorations. It was an 18″ clear free with sparkles and when it turned on the sparkles swirled around the tree. It’s actually the way a blizzard SHOULD look out side. Blustery sparkles. The moment I got home, I gave a few seconds thought to how I would put this vision into words–tree–sparkles–table–something like that. Immediately, the tree appeared. My manifestation ego shoulder devil beamed at my accomplishment.
<< BUY >>
The very next day–a Sunday, no less–my tree was on my doorstep. I brought it in, unboxed it, inserted batteries, and turned it on. It glowed with beautiful swirling sparkles. Once again my manifestation ego shoulder devil swelled with pride, “Look at what I manifested! AND it was so easy!” Now I had this beautiful decoration–I also had yet another box and pieces of styrofoam. After the holidays it return to said box and styrofoam and find a place in the basement where there is currently NO SPACE, but I began to feel a little ashamed. Shoulder Angel, who heretofore had been silent, spoke up sarcastically, “Oh great, styrofoam. You can’t recycle that. Your manifestation just created another piece of clutter in the house. Good job. I thought we were decluttering.”

Yes, we were. We’re not doing a very good job. Time to stop cluttering with my trigger finger on the BUY button. Time to pay for shipping and slower delivery and give more thought to what needs to be here and what doesn’t.